domenica, novembre 14, 2010

Cool: TightVNC 2.0.2 uscito!

Lo so.. arrivo un po in ritardo ma ne accorgo solo adesso. Per quelli come me che usavano la versione 1.3 di questo fantastico programma di controllo remoto FREE per i vari PC di casa, questa estate e' uscita la 2.0 con alcune succose novita tra le quali:

  • new file transfer subsystem nuovo based on new protocol extensions.
  • Implemented new server architecture which separates service code from the user interface.
  • Screen updates have become reliable.
  • Featuring new secure administrative interface.
  • There should be no more confusion between "default settings" and "user settings".
  • Featuring IP-based access control for incoming connections.
  • TightVNC 2.0 distribution has been packaged with new installer.
  • Keyboard handling has been improved.
  • TightVNC Server 2.0 for Windows has been completely rewritten by the TightVNC team. It does not include old TightVNC 1.3 code. So the right answer to the "What's Changed?" question must be "Everything!".

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